Reference codeP-HSH-001-075Level of descriptionItemOriginal file namePalace Hotel is today part of Peace Hotel on the Bund in ShanghaiTitle/caption (English)Palace Hotel is today part of Peace Hotel on the Bund in Shanghai.Title/caption (Chinese)昔日的Palace飯店今天已變成了上海外灘和平飯店一部分。Original title/caption (English)Palace Hotel is today part of Peace Hotel on the Bund in ShanghaiOriginal title/caption (Chinese)昔日的Palace飯店今天已變成了上海外灘和平飯店一部分CreatorThe Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels LimitedSourceHSHDistrictChina - ShanghaiSource typeDigital imageImage formatJPGLevel of accessUnclassified
The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Limited, P-HSH-001-075. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 08/02/2025,